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The international network Polymnia, created in 1999 by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Françoise Graziani to promote the study of the mythographical tradition in Europe from Antiquity to the 17th Century has developed two types of activities: a programme of conferences in the various partner institutions and the publications of bilingual texts with translations and notes in the series Mythographes (Presses Universitaires du Septentrion).
The journal Polymnia continues the research programme of the network. It offers a space for interdisciplinary and diachronic reflection and debate about mythographical texts in Antiquity, in the Middles Ages, and in the Renaissance.

Journal Polymnia – ISSN 2491-1704

Latest edition

Charles Delattre Présentation [Full text]

Marcos Martinho Teágenes de Régio e Metrodoro de Lâmpsaco. Acerca da paternidade da exegese alegórica dos mitos homérico [Abstract][Full text]

Scott Smith Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey in Hyginus’ Fabulae [Abstract][Full text]

Sarah Spence The Mythography of Proserpina. Geography and Power [Abstract][Full text]

Julieta Cardigni Una versión tardoantigua de un mito homérico. Concubitus Martis et Veneris de Reposiano [Abstract][Full text]

Valeria Flavia Lovato Porgere l’(altra)… coscia. Oscuri proverbi bizantini e insoliti fatti troiani [Abstract][Full text]

Tommaso Braccini L’anello del Ciclope. L’episodio di Polifemo tra Omero, il Dolopathos e il folklore [Abstract][Full text]

Philip Ford Les Problèmes homériques d’Héraclite le rhéteur à la Renaissance [Full text]